
Breast enlargement is now the most common cosmetic surgery procedure in Liverpool


Feeling self conscious is one of the most popular emotions for many women in Liverpool. The reason why so many females are self conscious is because of the feeling towards their breasts. Some women are angry at the size of their breasts, whereas others are embarrassed at the shape. It is also surprisingly common that one breast is larger than the other, but because some women are too ashamed to speak about this, they think it is uncommon. These are just a few reasons why many women across Merseyside consider breast enlargement surgery. At My Dream Breast, all of our professional surgeons are trained to the highest standard and have many years of experience behind them. The fully registered surgeons are here to make your experience as comforting as possible, from initial consultation through to after care.

The staff at My Dream Breast really do understand that this is not a decision that is taken lightly, and the idea of the journey is sometimes a little daunting. That is why we provide a full up-front planning service with one-to-one care that guides you through each step that we take from start to finish. Most procedures that we carry out only take around one to two hours and many of our patients recover in 4 to 6 weeks following their breast surgery.

One of the reasons why we are so confident in the breast enlargement procedures we provide in and around Liverpool is that with attentive after care; we are able to talk comfortably with our patients and see the impact it has had on their lives. Many patients often report a substantial boost in self confidence immediately, and because our breast implants are designed specifically for a natural look; the women themselves say they look and feel great.

In Liverpool, breast enlargement is now the most common cosmetic surgery procedure in 2016, with more and more people making use of our free consultation service to see what can be achieved with their body on a personal level. Our medical experts perform many different types of breast surgery from uplift to enlargement (aka boob job), and with happy satisfied clients it is easy to see why the word is spreading.

When a patient attends a free consultation with My Dream Breast, they will be made to feel comfortable and very welcome in our Liverpool clinic. Not only will our highly skilled surgeons be on hand to discuss your ideas and vision directly, they will also provide professional advice and the options available to you personally – including size and shape. Our procedures are very flexible and start from just £2990, meaning you can actually afford the surgery that you dream of.

It doesn’t matter what skin type you have, because our breast enlargement procedures are suitable for all. The procedure is carried out under general anaesthetic and a night or two may be required afterwards for your recovery. At My Dream Breast all of our staff are friendly, helpful and cannot stress enough that when it comes to this type of surgery – there is no such thing as a silly question. Therefore, we recommend having a minimum of 2 consultations with our registered experts to carry out a full assessment of your health, whilst discussing your medical history and any pre-existing conditions you may have. This not only allows us to provide more in-depth advice, but also to ensure you are aware and comfortable of each step along the journey. One of the common questions that we are asked by patients during the consultation is, can you where a bra afterwards? The answer to this is yes – but only a specially designed surgical bra, which is similar to a sports bra. We provide these specially designed bras that you can wear 24 hours a day, which helps protect and support your breasts after the procedure.

Boob job procedures soar in London over the last year


Are you one of the many women in London who have undergone breast enlargement surgery within the last year? Statistics released recently have shown a high trend of boob job procedures over the last 12 months in London alone. So why are more people than ever opting to increase their breast size and shape with the use of artificial implants?

Boob job survey

We carried out a small survey and asked 100 people in the area who had undergone breast surgery what their reasons where for opting for this cosmetic procedure, here are some of our findings:

1. A handful of women reported that they had ‘spare cash’ and with the lower cost of augmentation in 2015/2016 it opens up the doors to more people, as procedures are much more affordable than in the past.

2. Around 20% of the women wanted to improve the symmetry of their breasts. Most of these had always been unhappy with one breast being smaller than the other. This is a common finding of our clients / patients that is often not discussed publically due to embarrassment. In fact, we encourage women to speak out about this so that it is less taboo in today’s society.

3. More than half of the people we surveyed were desperate to restore volume to their breasts due to losing some or a large percentage, following weight loss and pregnancy. Some of these also paid for breast uplift surgery in combination with enlargement to not only increase volume, but decrease drooping and sagging.

Biggest factors for breast enlargement

Two of the biggest factors for those opting for breast surgery were pregnancy and ageing.

By undergoing breast implant surgery you are able to regain symmetry of uneven boobs, restore fullness to that of pre-pregnancy (and beyond). Older women who spoke to use reported that, over time they felt as though their breasts had ‘gone south’ and made them feel very self conscious and lacking in confidence compared to what they used to be like as a person.

The majority of women in London opt for silicone gel implants as oppose to other implants such as saline. This is the most common type of implant nationwide also – keeping in line with current trends. The ratio of silicone to saline is currently around 80/20 as a percentage.

We know that silicone implants are gel, so what is saline? Saline filled implants are salt water. Although they are less popular in the UK, they are more popular in America. One of the downsides to saline though is that they have an improved risk of developing a wrinkled / rippled look.


At the end of all research and discussion, it comes to down personal preference as both implant types have their advantages and disadvantages. It is important to understand that this type of procedure (regardless of implant choice) does come with an element of risk. However, the risk in breast enlargement surgery is small and proven to be one of the most reliable of all cosmetic surgery procedures.

Snapshot of average statistics for London

Breast enlargement procedure time: Average 60 minutes.
Anaesthetic required: General anaesthetic.
Stay in hospital: 1-2 overnights stay.
Time away from work: 7-10 days
Tenderness and sensitivity: 2 weeks
Return to normal schedule: 4 weeks
Play sports in: 5-6 weeks

Do breast implants go over or under the muscle?


One of the most common questions that people ask when considering and researching breast surgery is – do the implants go over or under the muscle. Whilst there is no single ‘correct’ answer – they are both possibilities with their own separate pros and cons.

One of the more common procedures in cosmetic surgery when enlarging the breasts is to place the implants under (behind) the muscle (aka pectoralis major). The main stand-out reason for this being is that feedback from radiologists has shown that it is easier to screen for breast cancer if the implants are sub-pectoral – under the muscle, compared with pre-pecotral – over the muscle.

Breast cancer screening

When looking to the future, this is one of the more serious questions you need to ask yourself as every medical professional will tell you to take breast cancer seriously. Whilst breast cancer screening is not a guarantee, nor a perfect way of screening, it is proven very successful in checking for cancer of the breast. So whilst you may only be 20-30 now, when you get to the age of 50 you will be invited to regular breast screening clinics as the chance of breast cancer is higher in the 50-70 age bracket.

A natural look and feel

Other advantages of opting for breast implants to be placed behind the muscle is to achieve a more natural look and feel. Implants that are placed in front of the muscle tend to look more unnatural in profile. Whereas under the muscle implants can look smoother and more contoured as the muscle itself flattens the breast against the body for a more streamlined appearance.

One of the fears with breast implants is the rippling effect. When more procedures were carried out using saline filled implants, the fear was that they could ripple as the type of implant was more prone to rippling and creating an unnatural look. That is why placing saline implants behind the muscle was preferred. It is however noted that in more modern times women are opting for silicone implants – which in themselves are more smooth, natural and less likely to ripple. Tissues also tend to drape over the silicone implants more easily also. Therefore, if opting for silicone implants – they can be placed in front of or behind the muscle and still look and feel the same.

Longer recovery time

On the flip side, as with all procedures there are risks involved. As mentioned earlier there are pros and cons to each decision of where to place implants. So now we will talk about the cons, or disadvantages. Placing the implant under the muscle can sometimes be more painful and the recovery time may be longer – sometimes requiring more aftercare. Another possible negative point for behind the muscle placement is that it may be possible to see a visible contraction of the muscle around the breast implant during activity or sports. Also, as the position of the implant is slightly higher when inserted below the muscle it can look less natural in sagging breasts. Furthermore, breast surgery may require a combination of enlargement and uplift in breasts are already ‘saggy’.


Each and every woman has a different set of preferences when it comes to breast enlargement and no one has the same experience. What works for one female, may not work for another. That is why it is very important to have consultations with specialists who will be able to provide advice and information on what is best for you, your goals and your shape. For example, although over the breast implants boasts a shorter average recovery time – this may not be factor for you personally. On the other hand, it is often found that thinner women with little breast tissue to cover the implant prefer under the muscle procedures. Lastly; other points to take in to consideration when thinking about under or over the muscle are: how droopy are your breasts at the moment, do you want a softer – more natural draping, and chances of developing capsular contracture. what is capsular contracture? Capsular contracture is a natural response of the body’s immune system to foreign objects – such as a pacemaker or breast implant. It is a medical complication that may make the breast implant look displaced.

A day in the life of a breast augmentation patient from Preston


When I hear people raise points for and against breast augmentation, I completely understand where they are coming from. The reason I completely understand is that I have been through every possible scenario myself. A few years ago when I was considering breast enlargement, I researched hours upon hours on the internet and spoke to as many people as I could, including my boyfriend, to find out everything there was to know about the surgery I was considering and what others thought about it.

My boyfriend, who I live with in Preston, was very supportive and when i eventually made the decision to have breast surgery, it turned out to be one of the best things I have ever done. Not only did it boost my self confidence, but it impacted on my life like I could never have imagined. I became much more outgoing and confident in not only circles I am comfortable with such as friends and family, but also at work and with new people I meet.

I understand that my situation doesn’t apply to everyone though, and that is why I can completely understand where my close friend is coming from – who is also considering a breast augmentation procedure. Her husband is against her having her breasts enlarged. However, this is partly down to not having enough knowledge about what is involved in the procedure, and the after-effects on their life as a couple.

The best thing I advised was that both of them go along to the free consultations with the breast surgeons. I visited my surgeon 3 times in the Preston clinic before I opted for my procedure. This gives people time to take in everything that is involved as well as any advice the surgeon can put forward. One of the best pieces of advice I can give to anyone considering breast enlargement is to not get carried away, or be pushed in to a larger size than they are comfortable with.

Did breast augmentation alter who I am inside?

Many people imply – especially if their partner is against surgery – that breast enlargement will not change them as a person on the inside. However, I believe that this is always one of the main reasons that people undergo surgery – to have more self esteem, self assurance and self confidence. Yes, the big change is on the outside, but the smaller changes will happen on the inside. I gradually became a much more confident version of myself over time.

A day in the life of…

My daily routine was not only given a lift, but changed in many ways too. When I wake up in the morning I feel proud to look in the mirror as I walk to the bathroom for my morning shower. After a wash I feel much more confident getting myself ready for work – hair, makeup and the best part; new clothes with a bust I am finally extremely happy with. If the sun is out in the summer months I absolutely love wearing clothes that were once a no-go zone, as I was too embarrassed of my flat chest. After work i enjoy getting myself ready to go out around town with friends. Having breast surgery has opened many doors for me and the possibilities are now endless with regards to wearing dresses, vests, blouses and other items of clothing.

Vital tips for those considering augmentation


With breast enlargement in Birmingham on the rise, here are some vital tips for those considering augmentation.

Here at My Dream Breast we have years upon years of experience in the field of cosmetic surgery for breasts – including enlargement, uplifts and nipple correction. We speak to women everyday who feedback vital information for us that helps us to better understand the needs of women in different regions. Recently we spoke to a couple of ladies, some clients, some not, in the area that previously had their breasts enlarged and listened to their experiences in the years that followed their procedures. Today we share their advice and tips with you:

Open mind

1. Keep an open mind and be prepared to reconsider your goals. Often when women do their own research they get themselves set on a definite decision of which size they want, shape, implant and procedure. Whilst this is good, it is wise to keep an open mind when meeting with a consultant because not every person is the same and points that may be compatible with some women, are not with others. For example, a lady shared a story of how she wanted to jump up 3 sizes, only to be told that her skin was too elastic and the surgeon did not advise it. In addition, some women require uplift surgery that essentially threw a curveball on her original plans.


2. Prepare yourself at home. Before you opt for surgery, it is always wise to prepare your home environment for your return post surgery. Shop for a new bra or two so that you are ready at your new size, do the washing and clean your house so that you can take it easy after your breast surgery. As painkillers are recommended (as is plenty of rest), it is worth purchasing some and keeping them within reaching distance of your desired resting location – be it bed or the sofa – so that you do not have to strain too much should you need them.

Pre-surgery exercise

3. Do back exercises and workout pre surgery. Working out on your back muscles before you undergo breast surgery can help speed up the recovery of breast enlargement surgery and reduce the need for aftercare. The new size breasts will feel different at first (for about the first week) with some pain, so strong back muscles will help you adapt to your new size quicker.


4. Relax! Although each person has a different pain threshold, pain is reported by most women who undergo augmentation. So make sure you book some time off work or get help if you have children so that you can put your feet up. The more you look after yourself in the short term, the more your boobs will look after you in the long term! Recovery is important and something that you should take seriously.


5. Light exercise and massage can help. Although you will feel pain and discomfort from your new boobs, it will not hurt to touch and massage them. In fact it can have the opposite effect and actually help with the pain and discomfort. Gentle touching and massaging is reported to ease pain in combination with painkillers and some walking. Obviously do not start speed walking around the house or neighbourhood, but 10 to 15 minutes a day will help you adapt.

The My Dream Breast clinic in Birmingham is approachable and personable. If you live in the area, why not drop in for a free no obligation consultation and see how we can achieve your ideal body and dream boobs.

Are you like hundreds of other women in Bolton considering breast surgery?


Breast surgery procedures are on the rise in Bolton – particularly enlargement (aka augmentation). Although this is the most common type of cosmetic surgery in the UK – Bolton has seen a growing trend of enlargement procedures over the last 12 months.

It is estimated that around thirty-five thousand procedures of breast augmentation are carried out in Britain every year, with the number growing daily. So it is no surprise that Bolton is following the same upward trend. The majority of procedures are carried out by private companies – which raises the question of which company is the best but most importantly which one is safe, proven and trustworthy. This in itself requires research and often word of mouth recommendation. At My Dream Breast, a large percentage of our clients come through word of mouth recommendations and positive reviews from their friends.

The two main reasons why more women are receiving breast implants are; cosmetic and reconstructive. Cosmetic surgery is carried out to change the shape and size of the breasts based on personal preference. Often women have always been unhappy with their breasts and want to enhance them for the first time. Reconstructive surgery is performed, usually after breast cancer, to reconstruct breasts after removal (aka mastectomy).

In Bolton, the average price of breast enlargement is around £2800-£5000 depending on what you want and which company you choose. Some organisations do not offer free consultations, which is very off-putting. A reputable clinic should always allow at least one free consultation with the client / patient in order to address concerns and put a personal plan in place. This helps to make an informed decision based on all the criteria along with financial costing and health risks.

If you are considering breast enlargement in the Bolton area, why not give us a call for a free no obligation chat. We can speak to you on a one-to-one personal level to see what your expectations are and outline what is involved in the procedure itself.

In the mean time we recommend taking as much time as you need to research and find out everything you need to know about breast augmentation so that you can make the overall final decision on whether it is right for you. Should you have a preference on what type and shape of implants you want, you can discuss this and more advanced ideas with a medical professional.

What are the types of implants available?

The 2 most common types of implants are saline, which are sterile salt water, or silicone gel. Silicone gel implants come as a liquid, gel or in solid form depending on preference. There are pros and cons of each and there is no “right answer” to which is the best. Each person has different preferences.

Do breast implants last for a life-time?

No, breast implants have an average life expectancy of ten to fifteen years. They can be assessed at any time and may need to be replaced after this time.

Do you live in Leeds and are looking to enlarge your breasts?


Do you live in Leeds and are looking to enlarge your breasts?

If the answer is yes, then you will be extremely pleased to know that My Dream Breast has a clinic in Leeds offering breast augmentation procedures (aka boob jobs).

The first thing the staff here at My Dream Breast would recommend is taking advantage of our free consultation. Not only do you speak direct with our specialist surgeon, but you will get a personal service that is tailored to your needs.

We understand that there is no one size fits all (excuse the pun) when it comes to breast surgery. Every body shape is different, every dream / goal is different and each person has their own level of need and risk compared with others. Surprisingly one of the most common reasons why more patients are coming to our clinic here in Leeds is because they have one boob bigger than the other. So it’s not always about increasing size, but often more about being at peace with yourself – and having boobs that are not symmetrical have been bothering women for many years.

At My Dream Breast, we speak to women everyday who are unhappy with their breasts. A large portion of these women are post-pregnancy and notice a drastic change in the way their breasts look after giving birth. Sometimes boobs can change shape during pregnancy, swell, enlarge – occasionally unevenly and droop or sag. These are all common reasons why people come to have a chat with us.

5 points you probably don’t know about breast enlargement surgery

1. When you get a boob job – it will be your first but it won’t be your last. As time goes by, your body shape changes, your breasts change and the way your body accommodates the implant may change. Around 20% of women require another boob job after 10 years, and a further 20% require more surgery after 15 years.

2. The average cost of breast augmentation in Leeds is £2800-£3300.

3. You can try before you buy! If you are unsure on which size to choose, you can get your hands on a neoprene sports-type bra filled with beads – often known as a “sizer”, that gives you a taster of what to expect.

4. Breast surgery can sometimes affect breastfeeding. If you have a areola incision, there is some risk in damaging ducts and glands – impacting on the ability to breastfeed a baby.

5. Not all cosmetic surgeons are registered, certified or trustworthy. When looking around for breast surgeons and clinics, always carry out extensive research on the clinic, the feedback and the surgeons who carry out the procedures. Speak with friends, check official websites and boards and take as long as you need to eliminate any doubt when making your decision. One of the most important factors to consider is what type of surgery the plastic surgeon specialises in. For example, a cosmetic surgeon who performs daily neck and face surgery may not be the best for breast enlargement, but a surgeon who specialises in breast reconstruction after cancer will.

Are you looking for a breast surgery clinic in Nottingham that you can trust?


Without a doubt one of the biggest pointers when it comes to breast surgery is trust. If you cannot trust an organisation, clinic or surgeon from a consultation then how can you trust them to perform your surgery, put your interests first and provide first rate aftercare? At My dream Breast, our clinic in Nottingham has been providing numerous breast surgery procedures for many years – including enlargement and uplift – the two most popular procedures, often performed together and we pride ourselves on trust and aftercare. We allow clients / patients to have as many consultations as they like with their surgeon – who will perform their surgery – this helps to build trust in the relationship and give maximum peace of mind.

Trusted aftercare

The aftercare and recovery time for breast enlargement varies, and depends on whether you opt for implants that are placed under or over the muscle. The recovery time is longer for implants that are placed under the muscle and therefore requires longer aftercare. It is essential to find the right surgeon along with the right team who will provide you with all the aftercare and answers to your queries as time goes by.

What to expect

As we always reiterate that no single experience is ever repeated. By all means ask your family and friends, but if they have undergone breast enlargement surgery, the chances are that their experience will differ from yours. Each individual person has a different pain threshold along with different visions – these are the 2 biggest differences when it comes to surgery.

When you have a breast procedure such as implants, the scar from your incision will be permanently on your body. However, most scars are light and almost invisible and often the incision is hidden away – such as the armpit or under the breast. Initially, scars may appear red and on the thick size, but over time after recovery they will thin-out and lighten. Some women recommend using oil capsules such as vitamin E or creams such as vitamin A.

Will you have stretch marks?

It is unlikely that you will have stretch marks after breast enlargement. In fact, when implants are inserted it is common for pre-existing stretch marks to actually disappear or reduce due to the breasts ‘filling out’. So if you have had a baby and notice you have boob stretch marks, the chances are that after surgery they will no longer be visible. Yes they will always be there, but as the boobs fill out they will lighten.

3 pointers you probably won’t know about breast surgery

1. After undergoing a breast enlargement procedure, it is important that you do not do any kind of physical activity that can raise your blood pressure for at least 2 weeks. But the longer the better. If you can take it easy for 4 weeks, then do so. That also includes no sex. Sex can be strenuous or demanding which risks raising the blood pressure.

2. Invest in a stool softener! This top tip is a hidden gem that comes from experience. Sometimes after surgery you can feel a little constipated, and during your recovery you do not want to strain. So take it easy and make your toilet habits easier by softening your stools.

3. Ice therapy can help your recovery. When you are resting in your aftercare period, you can place small ice packs on top of your supportive post surgery bra. Some women report wearing two supportive bras and place the ice packs in between the bras.

If you have any questions regarding breast surgery, feel free to drop in to our Nottingham clinic or give us a call for a free no obligation chat.

Why thousands of women are feeling low and wearing baggy clothes


As summer approaches, many women across Manchester are feeling apprehensive. At a time when people should be enjoying holidays abroad or in the UK, taking trips to the beach and wearing vests and bikinis, thousands of women are feeling sad and low and wearing baggy clothes. Why you may ask? One word; “breasts”. Breasts are one of the biggest factors in low self esteem and low confidence. Instead of embracing the hot weather and sun, some people shy away.

Story-after-story is told to us here at My Dream Breast of how some women are extremely unhappy with the size, shape or symmetry of their breasts. That is why this time of year is one of the most busiest for us, as people are searching for breast surgery procedures – from enlargement, to correction to uplifts.

Boost self confidence

Enlarging your breasts is one of the quickest ways to potentially boost self confidence. We help our patients every day get the ‘boobs’ they have always dreamed of. Some patients report not only a boost in their self esteem after a boob job, but also a boost in making them feel more confident and feminine. Our Manchester clinic has been providing affordable breast enlargement procedures for many years. Giving women across Manchester a body to be proud of. During our aftercare programme, many of our female patients tell us how happy they are now that they can wear their favourite clothes and swimming costumes when on holiday.

If you are based in the Manchester area and are thinking about breast surgery, we invite you to come and have a free consultation with our experts. We are confident we can bring your ideas to life and will talk you through our process from initial discussion through to aftercare.

Why do people undergo breast surgery?

A common misconception about breast surgery is that everyone is making their boobs bigger because they are vein or ‘love themselves’. But the reality is there are many reasons why women undergo breast surgery. The most common reason is that they have always been unhappy with the size of their breasts from a young age or feel like they didn’t ‘grow’ enough, and feel like enlargement would boost their confidence. The second most common reason for breast surgery is because one breast is larger or smaller than the other. (This is a lot more common than some people think). Other reasons why breast surgery is a choice of many is that breasts can look completely different after pregnancy or weight loss. Making people unhappy at the changes to their body.

At My Dream Breast, we carry out all different breast procedures in our Manchester clinic. At a convenient location, we aim to make the entire experience as comfortable as possible. The feedback we receive from our clients keeps us striving on to provide the best service in the region. Breast procedures include; enlargement (aka augmentation), uplift, reduction and nipple correction. Following on from your initial consultation with us, you will receive a personal service from our dedicated team every step of the way.

Cosmetic breast surgery figures rising weekly


New figures released recently have shown a dramatic increase in the number of adults undergoing cosmetic surgery – particularly involving the breasts. Now you might think that this applies only to females, but it has also shown that male breast surgery is on the rise too. The most popular procedure for men is breast reduction – getting rid of those dreaded ‘man boobs’ (aka gynecomastia), whereas the most popular procedure for women is enlargement.

BAAPS (aka British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons), who released the data showed that there was a significant increase in procedures in the last 12 months. This may indicate that the public are regaining trust again with breast specialists after the well-known PIP implant scandal.

Whilst other cosmetic surgery procedures are popular too – including eyelid and face surgery – breast augmentation dominates the stats. It is estimated that over 9000 procedures were carried out in the last 12 months – 10% more than the previous year. One significant piece of information though is to dig deeper and look at the types of breast surgery women are opting for. As trends changed in 2015 through to the current year of 2016, cosmetic surgeons have received many more requests for more ‘natural’ looking breasts rather than the previously enhanced ones.

Former president of BAAPS recently shared his views on the increase of breast enlargement popularity as well as raising some concerns though. He outlines the importance of such a decision and said there is an element of danger in undergoing cosmetic surgery, in not the procedures themselves but the fact that it is not something that can just be returned to a shop like a item of clothing.

How long does it take to have a boob job in the UK?

After consultations with a My Dream Breast specialist cosmetic surgeon, the actual breast enlargement procedure usually takes around 1 to 2 hours. The immediate recovery time following the procedure is a 1 to 2 night stay in hospital and 4-6 weeks recovery to rest and heal. However, it is worth noting that every individual is different and some people are known to return to work after 2 weeks.

Top tip: if you are considering breast enlargement, always take advantage of free consultations. With My Dream Breast, there are no limits on the number of consultations you can have to address any concerns you may have. And because you are always speaking with a highly skilled surgeon, any doubts you may have will be gone by the time you make your final decision.

Note: always make a list of questions you wish to ask during your consultation. That way you will not forget anything important to you and all your queries will be answered.

Top breast surgery procedures in the last 12 months include:

  • Breast enlargement
  • Breast reduction
  • Breast uplift