Boob job procedures soar in London over the last year


Are you one of the many women in London who have undergone breast enlargement surgery within the last year? Statistics released recently have shown a high trend of boob job procedures over the last 12 months in London alone. So why are more people than ever opting to increase their breast size and shape with the use of artificial implants?

Boob job survey

We carried out a small survey and asked 100 people in the area who had undergone breast surgery what their reasons where for opting for this cosmetic procedure, here are some of our findings:

1. A handful of women reported that they had ‘spare cash’ and with the lower cost of augmentation in 2015/2016 it opens up the doors to more people, as procedures are much more affordable than in the past.

2. Around 20% of the women wanted to improve the symmetry of their breasts. Most of these had always been unhappy with one breast being smaller than the other. This is a common finding of our clients / patients that is often not discussed publically due to embarrassment. In fact, we encourage women to speak out about this so that it is less taboo in today’s society.

3. More than half of the people we surveyed were desperate to restore volume to their breasts due to losing some or a large percentage, following weight loss and pregnancy. Some of these also paid for breast uplift surgery in combination with enlargement to not only increase volume, but decrease drooping and sagging.

Biggest factors for breast enlargement

Two of the biggest factors for those opting for breast surgery were pregnancy and ageing.

By undergoing breast implant surgery you are able to regain symmetry of uneven boobs, restore fullness to that of pre-pregnancy (and beyond). Older women who spoke to use reported that, over time they felt as though their breasts had ‘gone south’ and made them feel very self conscious and lacking in confidence compared to what they used to be like as a person.

The majority of women in London opt for silicone gel implants as oppose to other implants such as saline. This is the most common type of implant nationwide also – keeping in line with current trends. The ratio of silicone to saline is currently around 80/20 as a percentage.

We know that silicone implants are gel, so what is saline? Saline filled implants are salt water. Although they are less popular in the UK, they are more popular in America. One of the downsides to saline though is that they have an improved risk of developing a wrinkled / rippled look.


At the end of all research and discussion, it comes to down personal preference as both implant types have their advantages and disadvantages. It is important to understand that this type of procedure (regardless of implant choice) does come with an element of risk. However, the risk in breast enlargement surgery is small and proven to be one of the most reliable of all cosmetic surgery procedures.

Snapshot of average statistics for London

Breast enlargement procedure time: Average 60 minutes.
Anaesthetic required: General anaesthetic.
Stay in hospital: 1-2 overnights stay.
Time away from work: 7-10 days
Tenderness and sensitivity: 2 weeks
Return to normal schedule: 4 weeks
Play sports in: 5-6 weeks