A day in the life of a breast augmentation patient from Preston


When I hear people raise points for and against breast augmentation, I completely understand where they are coming from. The reason I completely understand is that I have been through every possible scenario myself. A few years ago when I was considering breast enlargement, I researched hours upon hours on the internet and spoke to as many people as I could, including my boyfriend, to find out everything there was to know about the surgery I was considering and what others thought about it.

My boyfriend, who I live with in Preston, was very supportive and when i eventually made the decision to have breast surgery, it turned out to be one of the best things I have ever done. Not only did it boost my self confidence, but it impacted on my life like I could never have imagined. I became much more outgoing and confident in not only circles I am comfortable with such as friends and family, but also at work and with new people I meet.

I understand that my situation doesn’t apply to everyone though, and that is why I can completely understand where my close friend is coming from – who is also considering a breast augmentation procedure. Her husband is against her having her breasts enlarged. However, this is partly down to not having enough knowledge about what is involved in the procedure, and the after-effects on their life as a couple.

The best thing I advised was that both of them go along to the free consultations with the breast surgeons. I visited my surgeon 3 times in the Preston clinic before I opted for my procedure. This gives people time to take in everything that is involved as well as any advice the surgeon can put forward. One of the best pieces of advice I can give to anyone considering breast enlargement is to not get carried away, or be pushed in to a larger size than they are comfortable with.

Did breast augmentation alter who I am inside?

Many people imply – especially if their partner is against surgery – that breast enlargement will not change them as a person on the inside. However, I believe that this is always one of the main reasons that people undergo surgery – to have more self esteem, self assurance and self confidence. Yes, the big change is on the outside, but the smaller changes will happen on the inside. I gradually became a much more confident version of myself over time.

A day in the life of…

My daily routine was not only given a lift, but changed in many ways too. When I wake up in the morning I feel proud to look in the mirror as I walk to the bathroom for my morning shower. After a wash I feel much more confident getting myself ready for work – hair, makeup and the best part; new clothes with a bust I am finally extremely happy with. If the sun is out in the summer months I absolutely love wearing clothes that were once a no-go zone, as I was too embarrassed of my flat chest. After work i enjoy getting myself ready to go out around town with friends. Having breast surgery has opened many doors for me and the possibilities are now endless with regards to wearing dresses, vests, blouses and other items of clothing.