About Us
At MyDreamBreast we have been providing effective low cost breast augmentation since our establishment in 2000. Breast augmentation when carried out for the right reasons can go a long way to boost your confidence level and even transform your life. It is a relatively safe and easy procedure but that doesn’t mean that it can be carried out by anyone and everyone. At MyDreamBreast, our experienced team of plastic surgeons take every possible step to give shape to your dream of looking and feeling beautiful and confident.
To achieve this dream, you can visit any of our seven locations spread across UK. You not need come down all the way to London for a consultation or even after the surgery for the regular checkups.
We have been recognized by the accrediting bodies as we meet the set standards of offering quality healthcare. Our team of expert doctors and surgeons are certified professionals who have undertaken the necessary specialist training required for the job.
We strive towards achieving excellence in our domain without compromising on the health and well being of our patients. People often have unrealistic expectations. It is therefore important for the patient to categorically understand what is physically achievable. We provide them with detailed information prior to the surgery. Our team of consultants will listen to what you want from us and then determine a course of action after carrying out a complete examination of your vital parameters. As any other surgical procedure, breast augmentation also involves certain risks. At MyDreamBreast, we try and ensure that we provide our patients with the solution that is best for them.
While it is necessary to meet the conditions for carrying out breast augmentation, it is also necessary to pay adequate importance to the aftercare processes. We monitor your health very closely, once the surgery is complete as your health is of utmost importance to us. In order to monitor the healing process, we schedule your appointments with our surgeons at regular intervals for proper follow-up.
At the time of discharge, we provide you with an extensive list of dos and don’ts so that you know what is right for you and what is not. Moreover, you can contact us anytime at any of our locations for any concerns or questions. Our trained staff will be there to listen to your problem and provide the necessary care. We will regularly check on your wounds to see that they have healed properly. The follow up care comes within the standard care that we offer. Not only do we offer low cost breast surgery but also ensure 100% care for our patients.
Though unlikely but in case of a problem, we will make immediate arrangements for you to see our trained team and also if needed by the surgeon who performs the surgery. All of our doctors are UK based and therefore can meet you even at a short notice. If the concerned person is unavailable, there will always be another trained plastic surgeon with the same level of expertise to fill in the gap and take care of you.
In the case of an unlikely emergency or a complication, which is directly concerned with the breast augmentation process, we will arrange for any further treatment or surgical intervention. You can trust us as far as your health is concerned as we will never take chances in this matter and take the necessary step right away. Your health is our top priority and there is no denying that.
With our team of consultants, doctors and highly skilled surgeons who are more than willing to listen to you, we can assure you quality breast implants. We ensure that the implants are best ones available in the market. This way we can guarantee what you desire from us and at the same time ensure that there are no adverse impacts on your health. Our comprehensive range of aftercare solutions ensure that we are all along with you till the time the wounds heal completely and you are back to your normal life. What’s more, the cherry on the cake is definitely the fact that we offer our services in affordable and flexible financial packages.